Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Migraines? Are for the fucking birds.

Warning: Talk of vomit.

I've never had a migraine before. Ever. My cousin gets them regularly and I believe she takes medicine for them. I never really thought much about them.

Last night I was having another weird dream (not about bloody pregnancies or old boyfriends). I thought it was part of the dream to wake up, roll over, and go back to bed. Until, that is, I realized I had an awful headache. A sinus headache, I assume. I've never been woken up by a headache, so this was unusual from the start. I get out of bed, take some medicine, and climb back into bed. I look at the clock. 3:18am. And then it happens. An overwhelming need to vomit.

I'm not a big fan of throwing up. Although, who, aside from bulimics, likes to throw up? So, I projectile vomit in the bathroom for about ten minutes. I clean up a bit then go back into bed. I get into my bed and I am FREEZING! I throw all my blankets on me and get the throw (let me tell you, my room does not get cold/cool. I have the ceiling fan on full blast and an oscillating fan at the foot of my bed and it still doesn't get cool. It does, however, get comfortable enough to sleep). I have duck bumps all over. Then, it hits me again.

At this point, I'm thinking it's the leftover spaghetti I ate. It'll eventually get out of my system. I'll eventually be able to go to bed. And this headache of mine? Will eventually go away. I've never been more wrong in my life.

I started vomiting at 3:18am. The last time I threw up? 5:33am. Two hours and fifteen minutes of vomit, upset stomach, and blinding pain. And, apparently, when you have a migraine? Your senses go into overdrive. The little light from my laptop? Like staring into the fucking sun. While I'm throwing up, the stench of my throw up is making me throw up even more. I did all of this in the dark, by the way.

I finally got to sleep only to be woken up by my alarm...twenty minutes later. I called my mama and had her call work to tell them I wouldn't be in. Oh, and I picked the perfect day to get a migraine. I was the only person in administrative support today (if we're not there, no one answers the phones, places orders, looks up account information, pays bills, submits payment, sends up expense reports, etc. So, basically, everyone (customers and coworkers) were up shit creek without a paddle). My counterpart and boss are both on vacation. Fuck me, right? I'll update y'all on whether or not I still have a job tomorrow.

I wake up at 10:30 feeling much better. Still a little sensitive to light but, hearing and smelling are okay. I eat breakfast, talk to my mama again, call my doctor and pharmacist about the prescriptions I'm on and if they're the cause of this night-o-terror (they totally were), and call work. I'd decided that if I could hold down breakfast and get rid of the little headache, I'd go into work. If only it were that easy. The "little headache" turns into another blinding migraine and I was in bed until 4. I am happy to report that there was no vomit this time. Yay.

It is now 8: 20 and my migraine is gone. I have an appetite (Lord knows I couldn't have gone without food). I do, however, have sore neck muscles, back muscles, and a sore throat. Oh well. At least I'm not channeling Linda Blair.

1 comment:

  1. I used to get horrific migraines. So often that I was enrolled in a clinical trial. They gave me different prescription to take each time I had a headache and a freaking stop watch to time the effectiveness.
    I quit that. Excedrin works the best, and I am never without it.
